Jointz From Back In the Day...

Old shit from before the blogger days...the continuing story of someone who needs to build a bridge and get over it...I hate to seem hardened over it but the complete thing was quite stupid...

Sunday, April 07, 2002

June 18 1998
The twins are here! The twins are here! …Ena had the babies today. She had to get a C-section because Jace was “stressing” as they call it. I guess basically Jill was getting more of the blood supply and Jace was getting too little. So she was anemic and they had to take her to the special care nursery. And she is getting a blood transfusion tonight. And then she should be fine. We didn’t get to see Jace, well- except for Ena and Roland, but we all got to see Jill. And hold her. She’s so tiny and bright red and adorable. When I held her she was fussy because she was all bound up in the receiving blanket and she wanted something to put in her mouth. So she wriggled her tiny little hand free and started sucking on her fingers. It cracked me up- her tiny little fingers and baby nails, teeny little manicure. Oh I swear, if I ever have one of my own I am going to be a nervous worried mommy. I’ll be like Aurora at the beginning of Terms of Endearment. I don’t know how I’ll ever do it; I can feel myself being paranoid already. If the magic ring trick we did at Ena’s shower is correct I’d be having girl, boy girl.

Oh yeah, I also got another job, I hope it’s cool. I am too tires to go into the details right now, plus I haven’t even started yet- so let me just end by pledging I WILL NEVER AGAIN DATE ANYONE THAT I WORK WITH UNDER ANY CIRCUmTANCES NO MATTER WHAT. * and hopefully that will keep me safe and may I repeat that every morning like a Stuart Smalley affirmation because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and you know what? Chicken butt! Ain’t no woman like the One-eyed Gott..
*that resolution lasted approximately one year!

June 29th 1998
Had a big scare last Thursday. The doctor called and said that Jace had tested positive for a rare disease, galactosemia, and he made it sound so bad. So we were panicking, crying, so scared. He said that they couldn’t test her again to be sure for like 4 months on account of the blood transfusion. But they could test Ena and Roland to see if they were both carriers. So they did that one Friday. I was praying to God that if He had to take anyone, take me. Don’t hurt the baby. I was so sad and spiraling into “why does this always happen to our family” etc. Which lasted through Friday, and then Saturday they got the tests back and they were both negative! Which means Jace was a false positive because it’s impossible for the child to have it if both parents are negative. God smiled on us that day.

April 14th 1999

Anyhooo- so yeah, I’m supossed to (learn how to spell) start writing in my journal again, three pages every morning. So why, pray tell, is it that I’m writing this at 6:02 pm? Parce-que je suis suffering from UTI-like symptoms ALL LAST NIGHT and so this morning I was tres tres fatigue this morning. Aujord-hui or something. So I’m writhing I mean writing this now. So sue me. Oh- by the way I a so freakin’ tired that I wrote “this morning” twice in the same sentence on the page before. I’m a compulsive proofreader, what can I say. There are worse things to be, I’m sure. I keep thinking that I should study French again cause I still remember some of it…. Still, I’d rather learn Italian like that lovely and fabulous Roberto Benigni. I need to see that movie again. I hope I can before they pull it. I can only remember one line in Italian “bongiorno princepessa!” so I know that, and the names of some food. Off to a good start. Speaking of food, at Stacy’s birthday at TGIfriday’s I ate 3 pieces of calamari. That was my first time. Daring? Not really, considering that I had 2 Long Island’s beforehand. So anyway, a fun time had by all. At the party I mean, you know, I really like older people better. My sister’s ages and up. That is probably why I had so much fun, may I also pose this question: is it shallow to be bothered by the fact that someone with as much $ as Steve has such hideous taste in décor? And can afford to buy a huge TV and yet is unclear on the concept of DVD’s ( he thought you can only watch it once, then throw it away. Huh? I think they had something like that once, for rental purposes, but that didn’t catch on for obvious reasons.) These questions and many others will be answer in a much later edition of “Asinine Journal Entries of J.G”
So, as I’ve written slightly more than the specified 3 pages, I shall retire to a game of Super Mario and leave you with this pearl of wisdom “This job would be great if it wasn’t for the fucking customers” Randall in Clerks. Which is true of every job I’ve had with the exception of PDR where you could substitute “boss” for “customers”.

May 4th, 1999

Had a sudden urge to write- it passed.
Ah well.
Sittin here at Rachel’s office.
Here early.
Couldn’t get out of work fast enough today- BORING!
Able only to write in sentence fragments.
I hope Rachel doesn’t ask me to share my journal entry since she’s just witnessed me writing in it. Then she will know for sure what a SLACKER I am! “no McFly ever amounted to anything!”

May 11th 1999

At work, at lunch, bored out of my skull as usual. I just had to ask about 12 people if we had any more t.p. How embarrassing. I didn’t even need it personally, it was just that I had used the last we had upstairs and was trying to be considerate to the next person.
I’m in my car eating an apple with one hand and writing with the other. It is hot in here. I want to go home. 3 ½ more hours.
Family reunion this weekend. Next weekend- birthday. We’re going to a club called Polly Esther’s, should be fun. Someday I will have to go fight my way into that damn Star Wars prequel.

Yo! Yo! Yo! Wassup? What was my problem? It is now JUNE 30TH 1999 some facts to katch u up
1. Polly Esther’s was fun fun fun til her daddy took her t-bird away.
2. I have- you better sit down for this- MOVED INTO MY OWN APARTMENT! Am currently living ON MY OWN! Holy schnikees! Man oh Maneshevitz!

So it is pretty cool- as I wrote to Cora it is just like Laverne and Shirley after Shirley married that guy in the body cast. “Surely you can be serious” I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.
Only thing that sucks is the dude that lives below me plays his TV friggin’ LOUD! He’s got surround sound or something, which is cool for a movie or something, but he is only watching the Simpsons for cryin’ out loud! Throw me a frickin’ bone here!
Oooh speaking or cool movies, it’s all about Episode I baby! Keep it real up in the field, ah-ight! I was so happy, pathetic but true, that Episode I was good. It made me feel just like a kid again, what a rare and wonderful feeling.
Cock a doodle do said the rooster that lives behind me. Noisy bastard. Well, he is quieter than the neighbor, at least.